Who are we?
Asia Market is a store that brings you the best taste of Asia! Asia Market offers a wide assortment of fresh, preserved, rice, noodles, sauces and spices, beverages, snacks and a small but refined non-food basket. Import, once a week, a variety of herbs, vegetables and Thai fruis by air. Product lines of the finest and best-known brands in Asia. The food quality and product safety are the top priorities of Asia Market. Asia Market offers products from Thailand, Korea, China, the Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia and Vietnam.
We offer:
- Fresh-products, spices, sauces
- Non-food-Products
- Rice, noodles, drinks
- Products of China, Japan
- Products of Korea, India
- Products of Thailand, Malaysia
- Products of Philippines, Taiwan
- Products Indonesia, Vietnam
- Products of Singapore, Hong Kong
- The most famous Asian Brands